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Fred Jones Jr.

Fred Jones

Velma Dinkley

Velma Dinkley

Daphne Blake

Daphne Blake

Shaggy Rodgers

Shaggy Rodgers

Scooby Doo, a Great Dane

Scooby Doo

Fred Jones Jr. is the leader of Mystery Incorporated and usually the driver of the Mystery Machine. A skillful trap maker nicknamed "Pickle" in School, he was voted best looking several years in a row. After highschool he joined a performance troupe and now devotes his time to solving mysteries.

A highly intelligent girl, Velma usually solves the mysteries that the group investigates. Velma has her smooth brain moments like the rest of us as she tends to drop her glasses in sight of danger, but she is the most noble among the group.

The representative red head, noted mostly for her fashion sense Daphne tends to get herself into danger; earning the nickname Danger Prone Daphne. Daphne forwent her modeling aspirations to live life as a detective.

Shaggy is the owner of Scooby Doo, the groups representative Great Dane. While seen as somewhat of a slacker, the man can also throwback a whole sub and scooby snack with ease. Shaggy participated in both track and gymnastics and has valuable escape skills. Shaggy is notably a vegetarian.

Scooby is the group's talking great dane. Scoob is considered an equal amongst the quartet of young detectives. Much like Shaggy, he has a large appetite and will even sometrimes eat human food.

Solving Mysteries in Crystal Cove Since 1969

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